Thursday, 11 March 2010

Crim Collective

Crim Collective are in their own words - 

"To date the Crim™ are an internationally acclaimed collective producing work for galleries, bars, fashion boutiques and film. It also supports international educational programmes celebrating and memorializing? the enjoyment for drawing and all that is art and design."

They have a plethora of multi-talented, designers, artists, illustrators, programmers, and tutors on their team. Some members include YCN winner Luisa Biolchi, Jeffrey Bowman (AKA Mr Bowlegs), and Robert Loeber (Urban Outfitters). They have done work for Computer Arts, Barclays Bank, Converse and the Independent.

Alot of their work and their values seem to be rooted in having a good time, with a celebration of hard work based around contemporary youth culture in the arts. This sort of attitude is something that I can see myself working with for a long time, especially the collaborative practice of like-minded individuals producing some quality work that always looks good. Since they are based in the University they started in, I assume that they have all mod-cons in terms of access to the facilities which means that they instantly have an advantage to a majority of design agencies/collectives etc.

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