Monday, 6 June 2011


UglyLogo is a 'one man visual communications studio' founded by Frode Skaren in 2008. The studio offers graphic design solutions and illustration services with a special love and understanding for printed matter.

I found the studio when I was looking for some political image references for my dissertation, saw this image and had to find out who it was, I was linked to
Frode's illustrations are not too dissimilar to mine, except they are put into much clearer contexts, for example "Illegal Burger" is Oslo's newest and finest burger joint which he did the character design for. The combination of type make it seem like the coolest burger joint I have ever seen!

The style of humour here is a little extreme and targeted at people who dont have young children, ideally about the 18-30 age group and a demographic of young, fresh, trendy, stylish people with a sense of humour and more liberal approach to society.
This is the way I think I would like to work, as my humour is black and I tend to aim my work towards that niche age range, which could limit me unless I look at all the varying levels of the age demographic.

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