Wednesday, 30 May 2012


I think I have not made as much progress for my own sake concerning the PPD module. This is partially down to time management, lack of funds and self-doubt making believe I am not worthy or giving myself a chance to present myself accordingly.

I have submitted a few designs and illustrations for competitions and for an exhibition, but in hindsight I could have done more if I didnt believe that what I was producing was going to turn out unprofessional in its presentation which is a hurdle I consistently fall at. Although a turning point for myself in fact many points where someone outside of the course or someone I respected amongst my peers commented on the quality/appearance of my work in a positive light I felt as if I was on a huge high for the rest of the day. I forgot what it felt like to have anyone have any interest in my work, since it never seems that good to yourself when you stare at the same thing all day.

What I did gain from the module was not loads of great contacts in the professional field, but in another way I have made valuable allies with people around uni instead of shutting myself out from everyone else. The workshop staff in the printroom are my new "crew" as I really love working in a printroom and the vibe you get off giving advice, offering help and just being part of the woodwork. I have made some interesting networking contacts for work to be sourced after I complete the course, and most importantly I have made a great circle of friends who wish to stay in contact, be part of my future and help each other work towards out goals.

Monday, 30 April 2012


Just found out that I did make it into the OWT zine! HOORAY FOR MUNIN AND HUGIN!

Saturday, 28 April 2012

My site

Since I'm shit at web and have no interest in destroying my last weeks trying to master coding in such a short space of time I have enlisted help of my mate, Allenby to do my site for me. So far, I have these to show in terms of development, I have bought my domain name: and am awaiting him to upload everything I have sent him. Should be up live and functioning by Friday.

Friday, 27 April 2012

Papergirl Leeds Exhibition

Went to go see my work down on the Calls and look at everyone elses submissions that will soon be shipped off around the globe to some very lucky individuals! Hopefully I will have sold all my prints as well, only time will tell.

Saturday, 21 April 2012


So I finally got round to finishing the T shirt design for JAYPEE, although it was a tad late... Will update development pics in a bit and when it gets printed.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Identity: Update

Decided to put an old illustration that I thought looked really good and represented the sort of illustrative style I have for the front of my business cards, although after printing them out, Im not sure they have the same impact as they do zoomed in on screen. Bugger.

Thursday, 16 February 2012


As opposed to this design, I thought that I needed to update my image and reign in something that was more attuned to my specialist subjects as well as looking cool and sexy. So far I thought these had high impact as well as all the info needed. Although I wont be printing them until I have my site working properly.

Monday, 23 January 2012


After my portfolio review with Mark Howe on friday it suddenly dawned on me how unprepared and unfocused I really am despite my own vain attempts to try render this a trait I do not have.
I am aware that I have not recently devoted enough time to the research and thinking stage of the SOI for the FMP due to my own unorganisation in regards to my dissertation. I have been refining it, which I am only realising takes three times as longer than I do writing it.
So I thought that since I have not devoted enough time to researching OUGD303 even though I am aware of the importance of clarifying exactly it is what I want to be working towards or in some cases working for.

Mark put emphasis on this by saying that I clearly can illustrate, but it is not a means to an end. My portfolio that was not put together whole heartedly reflected my own practice based on the poorly presented work that was screenshots from previous pdfs. Simple rectification of looking at how companies/agencies/illustrators present their work and finding a format that works for my work.

He also mentioned something that came through in my feedback tutorial: the inability to finish or complete my work to a presentable standard that if rectified, would give me a much stronger design presence.
Something that works for him was a scrapbook, collecting ephemera to collate interests and influences for potential projects. Blogs is the counter for this, since I can effectively document and comment on various design and illustration that drives me or inspires me.
Conclusively, I need to:

- Get focused.

- Find out who influences or drives my design.

- Who I want to work for.

- How their work is used and applied.

- Look how professionals present their work.

- Establish a colour palette to help unify my work.

- Identify briefs that will help me achieve these goals.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Feedback Tutorial: Fred

Surprisingly, I have managed to get 70% in the recent module, this was a chance to get to discuss more personal issues regarding my work.
What was said kind of echoed my past 3 years at the institution; good ideas, research, concepts and well informed development but not enough effort put into finishing the final solution.
Its a matter of being able to structure my time around what I need to do as an individual, eg Fred said that "Even if you have to take a week to get all the ideas out of your head, then thats what you need to plan for."

This includes various factors, one that is most important is defining the deliverables early on AND STICKING TO THEM. This also enables me to work with restraints that help to stop me from going off on a tangent when producing deliverables.
By defining the solutions earlier on, it allows me to more effectively manage my time and keep myself in control of what is going on around me.

This issue concerning time constraints and working effectively to a deadline is what will prevent me from advancing into professional industry or managing to be efficient enough to work on a placement.
Design management comes under this also, timetabling dates/time periods when certain stages of development needs to be done or relevant decisions relative to the brief. This will ensure that I don't lose time and run a risk of turning in work that is hodge podged.

Some weaknesses that included the latter; not finishing solutions to the best of my ability or exploring how the processes I propose actually contribute to a solution.
Another - which I whole heartedly agree with - is that I am terrible with type. What was suggested was that a collaboration with someone to help compliment my image-making skills would benefit this. Another idea would be to do a publication and spend a lot more time investigating grids, type and typesetting. Hierarchy and various other key factors play a huge part when designing for publication and print, something that needs to be developed as a skill since I cannot expect to fall back on the one skill alone.

Fred did comment that my strengths lay in presenting information through image uing symbols, colour categorisation and often exhausting research needs. This is all well and good that I am adept at absorbing information, but it is another thing to apply it in the right context. Knowing when to say stop in the research process and only using what is necessary to push the brief in the right direction.

One rectification to last year would be to organise an event that could take place alongside the course, with the possibility to interdisciplinary (DFGA) would be an event for gaming/college. So video game related prints/illustrations/merchandise/art sold for charity or a chance to line people's coiffers with gold, promoted throughout college. Collaboration would be much easier, especially for organiseing. Perhaps even set up tournaments for various consoles: Mariokart, Smash Bros, Castle Crashers, Fifa, Cod and even Just Dance.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012